1. Some of the practical implementation of the military the right to education.
O. Petrov, PhD, The modern requirements for  military Forces to their level of education, trends in education, and the problems of implementation of the right to education. Key words: military,  education, the right to education.

2. Officers violent crimes committed in the area of military service relationships: an analysis of judicial practice.
IF Kilchytska, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation,  The analysis of the case-law officers of  violent crimes committed in the area of military service relationships that are of greater danger to the public because it violates the normal activities of the  military apparatus of control, damage to the interests of permanent combat  readiness of troops and undermine the foundations of military discipline in the army. Key words: military-service relationship, malfeasance, judicial practice.

3. Some aspects of the legal regulation of university students Defense.
IG Savin, a professor of humanities and natural sciences RVVDKU (VI), PhD, Associate Professor,  This article investigates the peculiarities of legal regulation of students in comparison to military personnel undergoing military service in other capacities. Key words: military schools, the students, the status.

4. Perspective questions of providing in the state’s military organization of legal protection of the persons reporting about the facts of corruption.
A.G. Vorobyev, Ph.D., S.K. Eli, PhD, Associate Professor,  In article questions of increase the legal protection of the persons reporting about the facts of corruption, in the state’s military organization are considered. Key words: Legal protection, the persons reporting about the facts of corruption, state’s military organization.

5. Dismissal of soldiers in connection with the loss of confidence.
V.I. Shtanenko, lawyer Center for Legal Studies; AS Cvetkov, lawyer Center for Legal  Studies,  The article deals with current issues of dismissal of military personnel on the specified base.  Key words: military, dismissal from  service, the loss of trust.

6. Better than money in the hands of, the long wait for an apartment (commentary to the Federal law from October 16, 2012. no. 169-FZ).
V.M.Koryakin, LL.D.,  Тhe article gives a commentary to the Federal law of October 16, 2012. no. 169-FZ «On amendments to article 232 of the Federal law «On veterans», according to which the veterans of military operations given the opportunity to receive cash payments for the purchase of housing. Key words: a veteran of the fighting, the measures of social support of veterans, housing for veterans, the cash payment for the purchase of housing.

7. The set-off time of military conscription in times of emergency when pensions.
Efremov A.V., head of the legal branch of the military commissariat of the Republic of Chuvashia,  In the article the question on the right of citizens who completed military service conscripts during States of emergency to calculate years of service (seniority) in the case of pensions, which leads to problems of enforcement. Key words: military service, conscription, seniority, preferential calculation, special conditions, State of emergency, dismissed from military service.

8. Citizen, has been dismissed from military service may apply to the Court for payment of a monetary compensation for housing in chapter 25 of CPC, since the claimant arise out of public relations and are not of a nature of claim.
Efremov A.V., head of the legal branch of the military commissariat of the Republic of Chuvashia,  In the article the question on the right of citizens discharged from military service to apply to the Court for payment of compensation for housing in chapter 25 of CPC, which leads to problems of RUSSIAN law enforcement. Key words: military service, competence, brief production, public relations, public agency, contract, dismissal from military service.

9. About the right of participants of cumulative mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel and their family members to receive additional cash payment.
Svininyh E.A., candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of civil law, This article surveys problems of realization by participants of cumulative mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel and their family members of the right to receive additional cash payment Key words: serviceman; family members of serviceman; housing provision; status; cumulative mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel.

10. A soldier loses the right to receive financial compensation for rentals (sublease) premises.
Efremov A.V., head of the legal branch of the military commissariat of the Republic of Chuvashia, n the article the  question on the right of citizens discharged from military service to apply to the Court for payment of compensation for housing in chapter 25 of CPC, which leads to problems of RUSSIAN law enforcement. Key words: military service, competence, brief production, public relations, public agency, contract, dismissal from military service.

11. Military and statutory forensics - admissible to proof?
Glukhov E.A., PhD, Colonel of Justice, the teacher,  This article examines the current in the current practice of the military-authorized forensic examinations, identified and analyzed its specific features, and concludes on the inadmissibility of using it as evidence of a criminal case. Key words: military-statutory legal expertise, expert, inadmissible evidence, the military, military regulations.

12. Proceedings challenging the decisions, actions, attracting military commander to an account without the written proceedings.
M.I. Yurasova, the lawyer of the Center of researches the problems in Russian law "Ekvitas",  The question of appeal officer-commander’s disciplinary actions in court in cases when commander make a trial without written proceeding in fact committed a disciplinary offence. Key words: military, responsibility, segregation, proceeding, assize.

13. Unobtrusive defence service: the economic impact of outsourcing in the Armed Forces.
V.M.Koryakin, LL.D.,  Еxamines the economic implications of outsourcing in the daily activities of the Armed Forces, the mechanism of growth of expenditures allocated for the Armed Forces, shows the role of the open joint-stock company «Oboronservis» in the system of relations of outsourcing. Key words: outsourcing; economic activity; public  procurement; material support; economic activity.

14. The employees of the military organizations in the area of corruption risk?
DE Zaikov, Head of Legal Service of the federal autonomous agency of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, kandidaty uridicheskih Sciences, In this article the problem issues imposing  restrictions, prohibitions and obligations with respect to employees of the military organizations that replace certain positions on the basis of an employment contract, has signs of corruption.  Key words: corruption, military organizations, limitations, restrictions, duties.

15.  Do we need a military police?
YN Ermolovich, PhD,  Addresses the need of introducing the institution of the military police to the historical and international experience. Key words: military police, and the need for expediency.