1. The Russian military law at the present stage.
Shchukin AV , Deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Justice Colonel stock,  Examined the materials science and practical conference on the theme: "Development of the Russian military law at the present stage (results, problems, perspectives)", which on May 16 held a State Duma Committee on Defense and the Military University of the Defense Ministry of Russia.  Key  words: military justice, development, analysis, conference.

2. Corruption-factors of the law on the contract system.
VM Korjakin, LL.D., Analysis carried out an anti-corruption law on the contract  system in order to advance enforcers could foresee those possible corruption risks that may arise during its implementation. Key words: Law on the  contract system, the analysis of anti-corruption.

3. On the question of compensation for the citizens of the federal budget spent on their military (special) training in educational institutions of the Russian FSB.
AV Zavalniuk, associate Russian FSB Border Guard Academy,  The analysis of the legislation providing for the inclusion  in the contract for military service conditions of the obligations of a citizen to reimburse the federal budget is spent on its military or special training in the event of transfers of military educational institution, or discharge from military service before the contractual deadline. Key words: soldier, termination of the contract, the reimbursement of funds for education.

4. Legal regulation of activity of defense customer’s inspectors on quality control of products of military purpose.
Svininyh E.A., candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of civil law,   The  article describes legal foundations of activity of defense customer’s inspectors on quality control of products of military purpose in the defense procurement and acquisition sphere. The author suggests some measures on perfection of the modern legislation. Key words: quality control; products of military purpose; defense customer’s representation office; defense procurement and acquisition.

5. On some issues related to the provision of social support to parents dead soldiers.
Efremov A.V., head of the legal branch of the military commissariat of the Republic of Chuvashia,   The article considers the  possibility of recognition of parents died (deceased) member of his family, and subjecting them to a full package of social protection at the federal level,  which leads to problems in law enforcement. Key words: the deceased, the deceased, call, military service status, guarantees, parents, family member, soldier, survivor's pension, student, academic leave.

6. On the relationship between official and permanent housing for military personnel.
Vorobiev EG., PhD, Associate Professor, Colonel of Justice,   The actual problems of housing for military personnel with the uncertainty in the legal regulation and law enforcement.  Key words: military, housing, problems.

7. On some questions of the living space of family members of soldiers killed (died) during his military service in connection with the performance of military duties.
E.N.Trofimov, the lawyer, the lieutenant colonel of justice in a stock,   In article the legal substantiation of the right to reception of premises from funds of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation of members of families of victims (died) in passage of military service of military men is resulted. Key words: Military service, the military man, maintenance with habitation, discharge of duties of military service, the veteran of operations, needs in premises.

8. Disbursement of funds to supplement savings for housing for military personnel who participated in the savings and mortgage system, and members of their  families: practice questions.
Kovtkov Dmitry Ivanovich, consultant of the division of the Legal Department of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation,   The article deals with the implementation of the rights of participants in the savings and mortgage system of housing for military personnel and their families on cash to supplement savings for housing arising from the realization of this right in practice. Key words:  serviceman, housing providing participants of accumulative and mortgage system, family members of serviceman, cumulative mortgage system of housing provision for military personnel.

9. On issues arising from the termination of the employment contract by the employee (by choice).
Efremov A.V., head of the legal branch of the military commissariat of the Republic of Chuvashia,   The article focused on the legal issues associated with  one of the most common reasons to date of termination of the employment contract  - on the initiative of the employee (by choice). Key words: civilian,  contract of employment, termination at will.

10. "The crime of aggression" and conditions for the exercise of jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for these crimes.
IY Beliy, JD, Associate Professor, Professor of International and Constitutional Law MSLU,    Problem questions about whether there was an act of aggression, the conclusion to which, in accordance with its mandate, the Security Council must rule. Key words: the crime of aggression, the international court, the UN Security Council.

11. Differentiation and individualization of criminal responsibility of the military and military-criminal policy.
YN Ermolovich, PhD,   Differentiation and individualization of criminal responsibility are the main focus of military criminal policy and one of its main techniques. Key words: military, criminal liability, differentiation, individualisation.

12. Crime Defence Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic: criminological performance and current trends.
RA Ormokoev, Associate Professor of Criminal Law of the Military University, Colonel of Justice,   Pressing questions deal with crimes committed by military personnel of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as the judicial and investigative practice, indicating the author's opinion, the growth of such crimes.Key words: Kyrgyz Republic, the military, crime.

13. The law protects the information.
NL Kozoriz, assistant professor of military administration, administrative and financial rights of the Military University, PhD, Associate Professor,   The analysis of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information" on July 27, 2006 № 149-FZ, in relation to the military sphere. Key words: defense, information, protection.

14. State contract as a means of regulation of long-term relations in the sphere of state defense order.
EA Svininyh, PhD, associate professor,    The analysis of available data on the placement of the state defense order, which shows that in recent years, expanding the practice of  long-term government contracts under the state defense order.  Key words: state defense order, long-term contracts.