1. The causes of corruption in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the ways to combat it.
Onufrienko A.V, a graduate student of the Academy of the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation,   The paper investigated the causes contributing to the origin and existence of corruption in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Key words: corruption,  official duties, the duties, the soldier, the corruption factor bribe.

2. Military unit as the subject of challenging cases concerning administrative offenses.
Kalashnikov V.V., Candidate of Law, lieutenant Colonel of Justice,  The article is designed to help the command of the court in  challenging cases concerning administrative offenses in cases of unjustified imposition of administrative sanctions. The article is designed to help the command of the court in challenging cases concerning administrative offenses in cases of unjustified imposition of administrative sanctions. Key words: military unit, administrative responsibility, appeal actions.

3. How to dismiss a military man for the perpetration of «grievous» disciplinary offense.
Izolitov A.S., legal adviser of a military unit, master of laws, docent,  The article is devoted to the substantive and procedural aspects of the dismissal of a military man for committing an administrative offense. Key words: dismissal from military service, an administrative offense, disciplinary responsibility.

4. About the changes in order for military personnel cash allowances (commentary on the decree of the Minister of defence of the Russian Federation from June 2,
2014 No. 391).
Koryakin V.M.,  Тhe article analyzes the  changes and additions made to the Order of providing cash allowances of members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of defence of the Russian Federation dated 30 December 2011 No. 2700. Key words: monetary allowances; additional payments.

5. On the right of choice and change the shape of housing various categories of servicemen during the period of their military service.
E.N. Trofimov, lawyer, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice stock,  The analysis of the forms of the living space soldiers. It is noted that at all times the problem of housing was one of the most acute problems of the full support of the armed forces of the state. Key words: military, housing, forms of realization.

6. Military courts: whether they are contemporary Russia.
N.N. Veretennikov, deputy chairman of the Khabarovsk Regional Court, PhD,  Considered debate about the necessity of military courts as a special institution of state power in the armed forces, which carried more than one century. Key words: army, military justice, mobilization, conditions, war.

7. Legal and technical support of the military courts to counter terrorism in the Russian Federation.
Israilov I.I., Judge of the Rostov-on-Don Garrison Military Court Candidate of Law, This article describes a problem that occurs when considering military court criminal cases of terrorist orientation. Special attention the author pays to ensure the safety of participants in the process. The author suggests specific measures to secure the consideration of criminal cases by a terrorist. Key words: criminal  proceedings terrorist, counter-terrorism, ensuring the personal safety of the participants during the court session.

8. Professional license requirement to the vendors of the arms, defense technology and munitions: topical question of legal practice.
Svininyh E.A., candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of the department of civil law,  The author of the article considers the legal practice of Rosoboronzakaz on complaints against the state customer’s professional license requirements to the vendors of the arms, defense technology and munitions. The author analyzes and classifies violations committed by the state customer in such cases. Key words: licensing; government contract; defense procurement and acquisition; government procurement; arms; defense technology; munitions.

9. Overcoming mutual responsibility in the investigation of violations of the regulations on personal relations: Theory and Practice.
Yalovoy O.A.,  Candidate of Laws, Assistant Professor; Torbin Youri, Doctor of Law, Professor,  Particular issues of overcoming of mutual responsibility are under consideration in investigation of breaking the statutory rules of behavior among enlisted personnel. The consideration about the necessity of the usage by investigator of tactical means for neutralization of organized resistance against investigation is substantiated. Key words: overcoming of mutual responsibility, tactical methods, investigator’s procedural activity, recommendations of criminalistics scholars.

10. Energy saving and energy efficiency of the Federal state institutions of the Ministry of defense of Russia.
S.U.Janson, Director General of JSC "Trest Gidromontazh", candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor,  In article the author analysed standard legal regulation of questions of ensuring energy saving and increase of power efficiency by federal state institutions of the Ministry of Defence. Key words: Energy saving;  energy efficiency; federal state institutions.

11. The use of balanced scorecard in the formation of strategy of development of higher military educational institutions.
V.A.Zapechnikov, the applicant of the Military University, Higher military educational institutions are moving today, not only to the formation of the strategic plans of their activities, but also to actively implement these plans. In this regard,  it is important to search and rationale the most effective mechanism for their  implementation. Effective use of the statutory systems of indicators for the  implementation of the development strategy of military schools in most cases  impossible. In the article the author considers the possibility of using the  balanced scorecard in the formation of strategy of development of higher
military educational institutions. Key words: Balanced system of indicators; the highest military educational institutions; strategic planning.

12. Evaluation of the effectiveness of government institutions.
T.R. Nuriyev, the applicant of the Military University,  Control of activity of public institutions from founders means procedure of an assessment of efficiency of such activity. On the basis of an assessment important decisions on the sizes and the assignment directions to establishments from the budget, and also can be made on stimulation of establishments to achievement of the best indicators of  an assessment of efficiency. Besides, information on results of an assessment can facilitate to the founder a problem of decision-making on optimization of a  network of subordinated establishments, reassignment of the head and change like establishment. In article the author analysed methodical approaches to an  assessment of efficiency of activity of public institutions. Key words: Public institutions; control of activity; assessment of efficiency of activity.

13. Institutional development of the system of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign States.
I.V. Kachaev, the applicant of the Military University, In article the author analysed  institutional development of system of military technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with the foreign states. Key words: Military technical  cooperation; military products; arms and military equipment.

14. Regulatory organization of internal audit in the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Aibek uulu Lesbek, adjunct Military University,   Among the strategic objectives of the reform the Armed Forces  of the Kyrgyz Republic an important role for the formation and development of internal audit in the internal control system of the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic. In the article the author analyzes the legal regulation of questions of the organization of internal audit in the Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic.  Key words: audit, the budget, control, management, efficiency.

15. Domitsily military personnel and their active electoral right.
Vorobyev E.G., the candidate of jurisprudence, the senior lecturer, the colonel of justice Frequent discrepancy of a place of continuous accommodation of the military personnel (domitsily) with a place of passing of military service generates difficulties in implementation of their active electoral rights at regional and municipal level. It assumes entering into the current legislation of changes and the additions eliminating obstacles in this form of participation of citizens in administration of the state and local government. Key words: Military personnel. Electoral rights. Availability of participation in elections. Domitsily. Residence. Place of military service. Improvement of the legislation on elections.

16. Unnecessary elements of military training bureaucratization of military control.
Gluhov E.A., Colonel of Justice, PhD, professor of Russian MVD SPVI MVD Russia; Strokov S.A., Colonel, Head of the Faculty of command SPVI MVD Russia, This paper examines the factors affecting the combat readiness of military units, which arise due to the conscious management of the military leaders. Key words: bureaucracy, military organization, evaluation criteria, combat readiness, military, physical training, military post, the duties of a soldier.